Other professions are more obviously lucrative, promising faster financial success and more financial security. Being a successful writer requires a bit more time for the money to roll in. Here are 8 ways you can make money as a writer this year, faster than you can write your book. Some of these methods can be side hustles and others can turn into a stable source of income.

Book club costs are unavoidable. Even if your goal isn't to become a millionaire. Consider the many ways your book club can at least pay for itself, and then some...and then some more...

Character roles are great to read and enjoy in movies but knowing how to create them as a writer requires a bit more effort and brain juice. That's where this simple guide to the most essential character types comes in...

Story Archetypes allow readers to recognize their world or elements of their life in a story. They see themselves, what they could be, what they've been through, what they aspire to, how they want to live, what they want to do

Starting a book can mean starting off with planning or research. It can also mean starting with describing a setting or how a character feels. It is completely up to you and I. But it definitely starts with writing.

A pen name is a made-up (false) name that authors use instead of their real names for their creative works. A pen name is also known as a pseudonym.

use them to make a great story. The first draft can be a huge mess sometimes, but if you clean it up you can marvel at the gem it is.

How exactly do I have anything to write. How are my stories born? How do I get my writing ideas?...All of these methods can curate the most phenomenal of stories, the only thing missing is a paper and pencil to get started...

An author platform...measures an author's audience/readership, their ability to reach their audience and get reads/sales, and their influence and presence across multiple platforms and areas.

the many ways published authors can make money, with traditional publishing, self publishing, hybrid publishing and ways that work no matter how a book is published...

as writer I realized that in order to get work done and be a better writer I need to write everyday. And to write everyday I needed discipline...

But then I realized I am unable to point out my weakness, especially the biggest ones, because I am not separate from my writing: unable to analyze my writing unbiasedly, I