Year 2022

Coming Up With A Title For A Story

I never expected to struggle with story titles. And I haven’t really considered it much until recently. Whenever I write stories that I don’t publish or don’t need to submit for class assignments, titles arent an issue. If anything most…


“I, uh. Couldn’t quite-” “Goodness Max, get out with it” “If you would give me a second, I would be able to, if, if you-” He did not give me even half a second and turned to Larry to make…

Save Your Bookstore With These 17 Unique Business Ideas

Bookstores were inevitably going to experience some sort of (initial) decline before the industry fully adapted to the digital age and its advancements. However, the Corona Virus aka Covid-19 accelerated this decline...But instead of a decline, this is the perfect opportunity for book stores to make their comeback. But it may require a little evolving unless all the internet and technology suddenly fails.
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